Monday, May 11, 2009


time kasih tok jaga dhia ms demam baru ni....

mgkin post ni dh dikira amat terlambat beno utk diluahkan.memandangkan aku msh lagi dengan alahan yg malas membelog, ari ni setelah bc msg dr tok srh update jd aku pon insaf..(tok sj nk pujuk ah tu sbb wk saloh dok ajok aku mkn sutong celup tu!!)

jd dikesempatan ini aku mengucapkan "SELAMAT HARI IBU" untuk semua ibu2 yg ada didunia ni termasuklah diriku ini sendiri.buat kawan2ku yg ada dekat maupun jauh sebut nm ke ni?? ok,ok....
  • sarah
  • maz
  • siti ros
  • hana
  • mala
  • kak zah (kalu terbaca blog ni..)
  • fatanah (skbt 48)
  • dan seme2 lah..
semoga kalian dapat menjalankan tugas2 ibu dengan baik,ikhlas,serta mendidik anak2 hingga berjaya.

tak lupa juga ucapan yg paling bermakna buat bonda a.k.a ZAINON BT ALI
  • ma lah ibu yg paling baik didunia ni
  • kalu la ma takdok doh..xtau la gane....
  • juga selamat hari ibu buat allahyarhamah ibu mertua,semoga ditempatkan bersama orang2 yg beriman...amin.


You can see it in their eyes,
in tender hugs and long good-byes,
a love that only moms and daughters know.

You can see it in their smiles,
through passing years and changing styles,
a friendship that continually seems to grow.

You can see it in their lives,
the joy each one of them derives,
in just knowing that the other one is there...

To care and to understand,
lend an ear or hold a hand,
and to celebrate the memories they share.

Once upon a memory
Someone wiped away a tear
Held me close and loved me,
Thank you, Mother dear.

easy fun homemade mother's day crafts

Mom, I loved you yesterday, I love you tomorrow and everyday.
You were there for me my first day of school, to hold my hand and give me courage to go.
You listened to me when I needed to talk, you talked to me when I needed to listen.
You let me grow and learn from my own mistakes.
You never left my side when I was feeling down, I knew you would be there to pick me up.
I wish there was a way I could repay all the things you have done for me, but there's nothing great enough to repay the greatest mother of


tokder said...

bakpe dok tuju ker aku etek? ahaks..

Dhia_Farish said...

ye lah tok...selamat hari ibu kutu utk tok...huhu